One of the holy grails of cosmetic surgery is tightening facial skin without surgery. Until very recently the only option was a facelift. While effective, this is a major surgical procedure, with attendant risks, and most of our patients wouldn’t consider such an operation. The question has always been, how can I get the results of a facelift without the surgical risks and downtime. Over the last decade or so, a variety of treatments have been developed which offer non-invasive skin tightening by boosting collagen production in the dermis. And while not as effective as a facelift, non-surgical face tightening is a recognized, highly effective, reproducible, safe group of procedures, which gives our patients what they want. 3 types of devices are now available for all skin types.
The first of the non-surgical face tightening devices developed was Thermage, a radiofrequency (RF) device. RF delivered to the skin through a flat chilled tip, converts to heat which not only tightens existing collagen, but also stimulates new collagen production. It is highly effective for raising slightly sagging or drooping eyebrows, and also for tightening early jowls and mild sagging of the lower face and upper neck. The procedure takes just under an hour and no anesthetic is necessary. It’s a little bit uncomfortable, but very well tolerated. Other than a bit of a temporary redness seen by some for a few minutes, most patients have absolutely no downtime. Side effects are rare. 94% of patients in a study headed up by the dermatologists at SkinCare Physicians were pleased with the results.
The second group are other RF devices that use microneedling to delivers energy to the skin through tiny needles. The idea is that by delivering RF through needles, it gets into the skin to the exact depth we want, producing directed collagen production. The Legend Pro, Morpheus, and Genius RF, all available at SkinCare Physicians, are the most effective RF microneedling devices available in the US. These procedures are also very well tolerated. They hurt a bit more than Thermage, topical anesthetic is sometimes used, and the redness and occasional tiny crusts may last a few days. Rather than the single treatment with Thermage, these RF microneedling devices require three treatments done, about a month apart. Each treatment lasts about 60 minutes.
Treatment with Genius RF – Photos courtesy of Steven Weiner, MD
Photos courtesy of Sofwave
Non-surgical skin tightening has come of age over the last decade. We now have true alternatives to facelifting. They are much better tolerated, less involved, more desirable, and very popular. The only tricky question for our patients is selecting one of these excellent treatments. SkinCare Physicians dermatologists will help you to decide which one suits your skin best during a consultation.
Thinking about neck tightening? RF Microneedling may be right for you
This looks great, do the repeated treatments at some point wear out stem cell viability – is there a point where it stops working? Or is this simply improved collagen linkage with what is already there?
What a great question!
There is no evidence of a point where these techniques stop working.
While some suggest that they may work better in younger skin, we have had excellent results in both women and men in their 70’s.
How much does it costs for next tightening and eye lift? Also how long does the effect of neck tightening last?
The results are lifelong, but of course they do not prevent the natural progression of aging of the eye skin or the neck sagging, which is why repeating the treatment every 12 to 18 months is usually recommended.