Results 2 months post one treatment.
Photos courtesy of Robert Weiss MD
Facial blue veins, frequently found around the eyes and on the forehead, are a common cosmetic concern that most individuals don’t realize can be treated. In fact, dermatologists at SkinCare Physicians’ can clear these blood vessels with little discomfort and virtually no side effects in a matter of 3 straightforward laser treatments.
The cause of facial blue veins is unknown. They are in the normal pattern of facial veins whose function is to drain blood from the skin back to the heart. There are usually so many that by sealing off a few with laser doesn’t have any unwanted consequences. They are found in both men and women alike. Blood vessels are often more noticeable in individuals with fair skin than on dark-skinned people, but they can be seen in individuals of all skin types. Children almost never have them on their face, as they usually start appearing in late 20s or early 30s, becoming more prominent as individuals age. Facial blue veins are of no medical significance and are not ever related to underlying medical conditions.
Treatments are performed with a long pulsed Nd:YAG laser which targets the blood in the vessels causing them to collapse. The vessels collapse shorty after treatment and over a few weeks they shrivel up and disappear. As few as one, but usually three treatments, performed every 6 to 8 weeks, are usually necessary to ensure that the vessels go away gently and almost painlessly, and don’t come back.
These blue veins are most frequently found around the eyes, but are also seen on the eyelids, forehead and cheeks, and even the chest, especially in fair skinned individuals. Veins in all three areas respond equally well to treatment.
Patients commonly ask our dermatologists the following questions when consulting about their facial blue veins:
If you have facial blue veins and want to get rid of them, ask your SkinCare Physicians dermatologist to take a look to see if you are a candidate for the simple and highly effective laser treatment
This blog was originally published on April 24th, 2017
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Is the laser surgery able to take off away the visible blue vein beside my temple on my face.
Absolutely. Done by an expert, clearing the veins of the temple and around the eyes can be achieved safely with 2 to 4 treatments.
I have developed them around my mouth and below the lip on one side and starting on the top. My dermatologist recommended me to go to his larger office where they more experience with lasers. Mine above the lip looks like blue veins. The ones next to the lower lip is more solid. Would these all be the same thing?
We’re unable to provide a personalized response without seeing you in person. If you’d like to schedule a consultation with one of our dermatologists, please call 617-731-6000.
Can the visibility of blue veins go away on their own? For context, I’m 29 and just saw a glimpse of one appear solely in my crow’s feet area near one eye.
These veins almost never go way on their own. They typically get bigger and more noticeable, but slowly.
Hi do you have any cream to reduce blue vein on my face? Is this a invasive procedure or non- invasive procedure
Creams just won’t help blue facial veins. The only effective treatment is laser.
What is the risk of blood clots for periorbital veins?
The risk is very low. On the rare occasion the treated vessels clot and the clots resolve over 6 weeks as the vessels disintegrates never to recur.
How much does this treatment for temple veins generally cost please?
Please call our office at 617-731-1600. Thank you.
Good day can you treat darker skins – I am of South Indian descent, thanks
Absolutely. Luckily the lasers that work best for this condition are not particularly affected by skin color.
Do you treat blue veins on eyelids?
Yes we treat blue and red veins on the eyelids, but with significant caution. We place metal eye-shields to protect the eye. It’s essential that an expert does the treatment given the potential risk of laser surgery so close to the eye.
How can I get rid of the blue veins on my forehead and below my eyes
We would advise you consult with a board-certified dermatologist who could recommend the most appropriate procedure for your facial blue veins. You can also call us to book a consultation at 617-731-1600.
Hi, is it possible to get rid of blue veins on the chest area?
Yes. Chest blue veins can also be treated with this technique with very nice results.
Hi i would like to know if you are able to treat blue veins around the temples please?
Yes, very regularly with excellent results. It is safe and highly effective.