SkinCare Physicians Doctors

Category: Skin Tightening

Aging Gracefully: Our Top 3 Non-Surgical Facial Skin Tightening Treatments

Published on Jan 26th, 2024 by Jeffrey Dover, MD

One of the holy grails of cosmetic surgery is tightening facial skin without surgery. Until very recently the only option was a facelift. While effective, this is a major surgical procedure, with attendant risks, and most of our patients wouldn’t consider such an operation. The question has always been, how can I get the results of a facelift without the surgical risks and downtime. Over the last decade or so, a variety of treatments have been developed which offer non-invasive skin tightening by boosting collagen production in the dermis. And while not as effective as a facelift, non-surgical face tightening … Continue reading »

Prejuvenation: A six-step guide to maintaining your aesthetic edge against aging

Published on Jul 30th, 2018 by Mona Sadeghpour, Kenneth Arndt

Every day we are asked if there is an age that is “too early” to start preventing the skin from aging or to start on the journey for skin rejuvenation.  We have been thinking about this question for years and in fact were the first to introduce and coin the term “prejuvenation,” a buzz word that has since taken off on a journey of its own.  Just Google-search the word and you’ll see what we mean! What exactly is “prejuvenation?” “Prejuvenation” is the act of initiating a series of thoughtfully planned steps that will prevent or impede the changes associated … Continue reading »

Quicker and better skin tightening with Thermage FLX

Published on Jul 26th, 2018 by Michael Kaminer, MD

Thermage for skin tightening has been one of the most successful and reliable treatments offered at SkinCare Physicians for many years. Our dermatologists are able to predictably tighten skin of the face, jawline and neck in an easy, comfortable one hour procedure.  Even skin of the abdomen can be tightened and smoothed! Now Thermage has become even better with the introduction of the brand new Thermage FLX machine. SkinCare Physicians is one of the first two practices in the United States to have this exciting new cutting-edge technology, which builds on the success we have had with Thermage since 1999 … Continue reading »

Tired of looking tired? Treat the dark circles under your eyes

Published on Mar 27th, 2018 by Karen Kim, MD

Patients often ask about dark circles under the eyes and what they can do to treat them. There are multiple reasons why dark circles appear and our cosmetic dermatologists at SkinCare Physicians have multiple ways to help address them. Why under eye dark circles appear As we get older, the skin generally tends to become thinner and loose. This is especially true around the eyes, leading to a tired appearance. The under eye area (also called “tear trough”) can also appear hollow and sunken due to volume loss. Finally, the under eye area can look dark because of enlarged blood vessels. Blue veins around the eyes can become more … Continue reading »

ThermiRF takes skin tightening one step further

Published on Nov 17th, 2016 by Michael Kaminer, MD

ThermiRF is a new addition to the SkinCare Physicians’ Skin Tightening Program. In a comfortable one-hour procedure, we are able to deliver therapeutic heat to the jawline and neck to create noticeable skin tightening. The jawline becomes sharper, and the area under the chin (the submental region) becomes smoother and more sculpted. How ThermiRF works? ThermiRF uses the principle of radiofrequency skin tightening to create natural results. A local anesthesia is injected under the skin, and then a thin probe is inserted through a small needle hole. The physician maneuvers the probe to areas that he or she wants to … Continue reading »

The hidden benefit of Thermage: skin aging and sagging prevention

Published on Jun 6th, 2013 by Michael Kaminer, MD

Thermage has been used for over a decade to tighten skin of the lower face and jaw line, producing a more youthful and natural look. Now scientists have discovered that Thermage can also prevent aging. Based on experience with patients treated every one to two years, we have observed that those patients appear to age more slowly than those who have Thermage only once every 4 to 5 years, or don’t have any treatment at all. We know that patients start to appear older at 5 to 10 year increments, which was the original theory behind the timing between Thermage … Continue reading »

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SkinCare Physicians®

1244 Boylston Street (Route 9)
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467

Learn more about your rights and protections related to the No Surprises Act (HR133).

The dermatologists and other medical professionals at SkinCare Physicians specialize in a wide range of dermatology treatments and services, including laser hair removal, laser skin treatment, hair transplant, eyelid surgery, body contouring, psoriasis, skin cancer, BOTOX® Cosmetic, fillers, and Thermage®. From their offices in Chestnut Hill, they serve Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, Newton and Wellesley.

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

SkinCare Physicians®
1244 Boylston Street (Route 9)
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467

Phone: (617) 731-1600 Fax: (617) 731-1601

Learn more about your rights and protections related to the No Surprises Act (HR133).

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

The dermatologists and other medical professionals at SkinCare Physicians specialize in a wide range of dermatology treatments and services, including laser hair removal, laser skin treatment, hair transplant, eyelid surgery, body contouring, psoriasis, skin cancer, BOTOX® Cosmetic, fillers, and Thermage®. From their offices in Chestnut Hill, they serve Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, Newton and Wellesley.