Do you feel like your skin has become more sensitive with time? Are there certain products that cause itching and a rash when you use them? Frustrated with buying new products and not knowing if your skin will tolerate them? Well, patch testing, a procedure available at SkinCare Physicians, can help determine if a product may be right for your skin or not. Common forms of skin allergic reactions to products Dermatitis, or eczema, is a common skin condition that many patients experience – manifested by a red, scaly, sometimes itchy rash on the skin. There are many types of … Continue reading »
Can you be one of the 16 million Americans estimated to be affected by Rosacea, a common inflammatory condition often starting in adult age? Dr. Laurel Morton, a dermatologist at SkinCare Physicians, explains what you need to know about rosacea and what you can do about this widespread disorder causing red, inflamed, bumpy skin. What is rosacea and what causes it? Let’s start with a definition: Rosacea is a disorder affecting the skin that causes flares of facial redness. This can come in several forms. Some patients exhibit very rosy cheeks and noses with flushed skin. Others have an adult … Continue reading »
Molluscum Contagiosum is a common skin disease caused by a pox virus. This virus is easily spread from person to person by skin contact or by sharing towels or clothing. Skincare Physicians’ Dr. Tania Phillips shares the basics about this common skin disease. What does Molluscum Contagiosum look like? Molluscum Contagiosum usually appears as tiny skin colored tiny bumps which can range in number from 1 – 2 to 10 – 20 bumps. Molluscum is usually painless; occasionally it can be itchy. Molluscum can appear anywhere on the body. It is commonly seen on the arms, legs and trunk. Is Molluscum … Continue reading »
Hives are a common skin condition, and yet dermatologist Laurel Morton finds that patients in her clinic near Boston are often unfamiliar with how to spot them. A bit of basic education can make you a more observant patient and help us get you back to normal more quickly – read up! What makes hives unique? Hives are a temporary red or pink bumpy rash occurring anywhere on the body. Often the rash appears as large welts, which are generally very itchy. Unlike other skin rashes, hives do not stay in one spot – new welts often appear and disappear within … Continue reading »
January is typically the time when many people embark on a set of New Year’s resolutions. Are yours involving a skin exam, or better a couple skin exam? Here is why two is better than one when it comes to skin exams. Two is better than one when it comes to skin exams There are good medical research studies to show us that teaching partners how to assist each other in partner-assisted skin self-examinations helps improve skin cancer detection. And may help save a life! Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the US. This year, almost … Continue reading »
Now that summer tans are gone, people may be noticing scattered dry, scaly pink spots that don’t go away completely or reappear in the same location. These stubborn dry spots, called actinic keratoses, are a sign of chronic sun damage. They have a chance of turning into a skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma in the future. Fortunately, there are multiple, effective ways to treat actinic keratosis, all available at our dermatology practice near Boston. Prone to developing actinic keratosis? Actinic keratosis tend to occur in areas exposed to the sun such as the face, arms, legs, scalp (in men … Continue reading »
You may be one of these people who got his/her first painful cold sore last summer. Don’t be surprised, the sun exposure can trigger cold sores, also called fever blisters, and 90% of us will get at least one in our lifetime. The good news is that the first occurrence of a cold sore is often the worst and only 40% of American adults will develop fever blisters frequently. Our Boston dermatologists encourage you to learn the basics about cold sores in case you get another one. What are cold sores sores are caused by a virus called herpes simplex type … Continue reading »
I have a confession: as a first-time mother, I find myself constantly worrying about my daughter’s well-being. And while I worry a bit too much, I take solace knowing that as a dermatologist in Boston my baby is at least getting the best possible skin care. While all of us are familiar with the routine aspects of an infants’ progression (e.g., shots, weigh-ins, and teething), I’d like to take a moment to teach you about a very important element of infant health: taking good care of your young child’s skin. By keeping a few basic principles in mind, it is … Continue reading »
Out with winter means outside with the kids! But, with spring and summer come the bugs: Mosquitoes, ants, black flies… the whole array. Whether you are on the sports field or at the beach, insect bites are common. Some children react much more than others, but there are a few things that can help prevent discomfort, itch, and swelling. Below are tips our dermatologists give parents who call or visit SkinCare Physicians for advice: Icing or cold compresses can actually help with all 3 symptoms -discomfort, itch, swelling- significantly. Whether the bite is new or not, it can still be … Continue reading »
As children enter adolescence, the majority of them will develop some degree of acne. It can be quite a burden, often affecting young peoples’ self-esteem and their ability to interact with others. In the most severe cases, acne causes permanent scarring. Dr. Laurel Morton of SkinCare Physicians is pleased to share some good news: acne is a very treatable condition! But first, let’s dispel two really important myths. Teen acne myth #1: Acne is caused by dirt and results when the skin is not washed frequently enough. It’s unclear where this myth originated, but the fact is that acne is … Continue reading »