Frustrated with cellulite? Those dimples and ridges on the buttocks and thighs affect up to 95% of women (men rarely get cellulite). For many years cellulite was nearly impossible to treat, but that all changed in 2015 with the introduction of Cellfina. SkinCare Physicians’ team of internationally known dermatologists has been central to the development of Cellfina, and has continued to be actively involved in developing the next generation of cellulite treatments. Today, two new promising cellulite treatments, CCH and Soliton, are just around the corner.
Before Cellfina treatment for cellulite
Six months after one Cellfina treatment
Cellfina is a minimally invasive cellulite treatment that has impressive credentials. The clinical trial data shows that 99% or more of patients get noticeable results that last at least 5 years, and our patients consistently tell us they have 80 to 90% improvement. Recovery is quick and easy. Most people will experience some bruising, and return to normal activities within a few days. Results take 3-6 months to fully develop, but most patients start to see improvement as early as a couple of weeks after treatment.
CCH is a new product that has completed phase 3 clinical trials at SkinCare Physicians, and results are impressive. A few simple injections, performed in a series of treatment sessions, can meaningfully improve cellulite. We continue to explore enhanced ways to deliver this novel injectable product to reduce cellulite, and are working closely with the company to optimize the use of CCH. FDA approval is pending, but will hopefully come in the next 12 to 18 months.
Soliton is an exciting company based in Houston, Texas, with which we have worked closely to develop a novel acoustic wave device to treat cellulite without any injections! The pilot study, and the very first treatments ever performed in the world, were done exclusively at SkinCare Physicians and demonstrated exciting promise for treating even the most stubborn cellulite. A more comprehensive Soliton cellulite clinical trial is about to begin under the direction of SkinCare Physicians.
Clearly, our board-certified dermatologists understand cellulite and are committed to doing the important scientific work to find better ways to eliminate it. Just a few short years ago the only cellulite treatment options were completely useless lotions and potions. Now we have Cellfina, which really works beautifully, and CCH and Soliton are around the corner. SkinCare Physicians will continue to push the envelope to bring meaningful cellulite improvement to our patients. Stay tuned!
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