SkinCare Physicians Doctors

7 Answers to your dermaplaning questions

Published on Jul 26th, 2016 by Joyce Pezzulo

Dermaplaning treatment by SkinCare Physicians' aestheticiansWhile dermaplaning has been used for quite some time, it has become a hot aesthetic facial treatment lately. Learn why through answers to the top seven questions our aestheticians get from patients. And if you live in the Boston area and want to try dermaplaning, discover the two Dermaplane facial treatments that SkinCare Aesthetics now provides.

What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is one of these facial treatments that provide instant gratification without the use of chemicals. It is a simple and safe manual technique for exfoliating the skin while removing fine vellus hair, also called peach fuzz. The procedure involves using a small, modified surgical blade to VERY gently scrape the surface of the epidermis with light, feathery strokes, leaving the skin smooth and vibrant.

What are the benefits of dermaplaning?

  • It diminishes the appearance of dry, fine lines.
  • It encourages faster cell turnover and dewy skin.
  • It smooths skin texture.
  • It results in a healthy more radiant appearance of the skin.
  • It allows peels to penetrate more deeply into the skin.
  • It prepares the skin for further rejuvenating procedures such as laser treatments.

Why do patients love dermaplaning?

  • It is non-invasive and has minimal side effects and downtime.
  • It is a quick treatment that busy patients can have done over a lunch break.
  • It provides immediate results with virtually no pain.

Who is a candidate for dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is suitable at all ages. While most skin types can benefit from the treatment our aestheticians do not recommended dermaplaning for acneic skin.

What areas can be treated?

Dermaplaning is only performed on the face.

Will my peach fuzz grow back thicker?

No, the light vellus hair that you may have on your faces will grow back the same size, shape and color. If you have a few courser, darker hairs, they will come back the same way.

What dermaplaning treatments does SkinCare Aesthetics offer?

SkinCare Aesthetics recently introduced two dermaplaning treatments that are becoming patients’ favorites.

  • Dermaplane Light is a standalone treatment for patients who are sensitive to peels and lasers, yet want the benefit of a deep exfoliation and radiant skin. Dermaplane Light uses the manual exfoliation process with a SkinCeutical biocellulose restorative masque.
  • Dermaplane Deluxe uses the same exfoliation process PLUS a mild clinical grade peel that is suitable for all skin types; it exfoliates and decongests pores while hydrating skin.   A SkinCeutical biocellulose restorative masque is also applied. The result is a glowing, radiant skin.

Both of these dermaplaning treatments will prepare your skin for further rejuvenating procedures using lasers, resulting in optimal and longer lasting results.

Whether you want an effortless solution to your peach fuzz and an instant smoother skin, or you are thinking on embarking on a skin rejuvenation program, dermaplaning is the perfect treatment to start. Book your SkinCare Aesthetics appointment today at 617-731-6000, or reserve a consultation with one of SkinCare Physicians dermatologists.

96 Responses to 7 Answers to your dermaplaning questions

  • Githa says:

    Can derma planning be done for younger children? My daughter is 8 and has dark upper lip hair.

  • Kelly says:

    I was diagnosed with Dermodex on my face, (chin area) 8 weeks ago. It is now all gone! Am I a good candidate for
    dermaplaning to keep my hair follicles and skin on my face less prone to another infestation? Thank you!

    • Blog Admin says:

      Thank you for reaching out. It’s best to check with the doctor who is treating your condition.

  • Lindsay says:

    Can I get dermaplaning one day before getting lip filler?

  • Peyer says:

    If I wanted Fraxel Dual and a Dermaplane Facial, how would I schedule them, time wise? Which would come first and how long should I wait between the two? I feel like the Fraxel should come first, and dermaplane after, but I’ve read warnings about hair removal such as depilatories and waxing disturbing the healing process if done too soon. Would Dermaplane be best if done say 10-14 days out or longer? Thanks!

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      That’s a great question! And your instincts are correct.
      Fraxel should be done first followed by dermaplaning 2 weeks later. And you will find this shortens the time that the skin is shedding that ‘sandpapery’ texture.

  • Talia says:

    I want to start laser hair removal, we have to shave before the diode laser, can we do dermaplaning, and then do laser on the same day?

    My skin is dry and a little sensitive.

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Yes, dermaplaning can safely be done prior to laser hair removal for optimal results. And it will help to exfoliate your dry, dead skin without irritation.

  • Misty says:

    Do I need to stop my Tyrosinase inhibitor prior to treatment?

  • Dena says:

    Is there any point to getting dermaplaned if I already use differin gel ( for anti wrinkle purposes)?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      The purpose of Dermaplaning (as a standalone treatment) is to receive mechanical (versus chemical) exfoliation while enjoying the benefits of temporary hair removal. While Differin is great for anti-aging, most of us need more exfoliation to allow our skin to glow and accept our skincare products (including Differin) more readily. Another benefit of Dermaplaning is that makeup application looks so much nicer and smoother. So if those benefits sound good to you then Dermaplaning is a great option.

  • Dina says:

    Is it okay to do dermaplaning if you have under skin bumps and sebum like on forehead or cheeks? Will it trigger them?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      While dermaplaning is a great treatment with minimal downtime, it is not for everyone. I would not recommend it for a patient with ‘bumpy’ skin, or skin with a lot of sebaceous hyperplasia, because the blade can nick those spots and cause bleeding. Dermaplaning won’t trigger bumps to happen, but will irritate skin that already has ‘bumps’. The best advice I have is to book an appointment with us, or with your dermatologist, so we can look at your skin and then make recommendations.

  • Angelina says:

    Can you go for this treatment if you are pregnant?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Dermaplaning is the safest way to exfoliate when you’re pregnant because it’s a simple mechanical exfoliation that doesn’t involve any acids or chemicals. It lifts dead skin cells to take your complexion from dull to radiant immediately.

  • Marsha says:

    We live in a hot and sunny climate, all year round. So we always have a tan and it is hard to avoid the sun completely for 2 weeks.
    Is dermaplaning still possible / a good treatment for us?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      It is important to avoid the sun following a dermaplaning treatment. We recommend avoiding sun exposure as much as possible for a minimum of three days post-treatment. If you must be in the sun, you’ll need to apply SPF 30 or greater, reapply often and seek shade whenever possible. Wearing sunscreen daily is a must especially for someone who lives in a hot and sunny climate year-round.

  • Adri says:

    Can you do radio frequency or micro current with Dermaplaning? what treatments would not be ok to combine with Dermaplaning?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Dermaplaning can be paired with virtually any treatment (except for deep peels) depending on the individual’s sensitivity.
      If you are an extremely sensitive person and dermaplaning makes you a little red and irritated I would caution you to try something very gentle post dermaplaning… maybe an enzyme treatment or sensitive skin peel. But if you can handle dermaplaning with no issues there would be no reason not to pair it with another treatment such as radio frequency or micro currant because it will enhance those procedures by eliminating the dead skin and hair for a more streamline treatment.

  • Emma says:

    HI – Can I have dermaplaning done with perioral dermatitus?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      It’s probably best to either avoid having dermaplaning done all together, or avoid treating the area that is effected by the condition. Indeed, treating over an already irritated area would just cause more aggravation to the skin.

  • Jina C says:

    I using an acne treatment gel Clindamycin and Benzyl Peroxide, for about a month or two now. I have use this everyday twice a day and my acne has improved greatly with only a few pimple near my hairline (so as you said, you can get dermaplane if you don’t have active acne). Would this type of medication require you to stop using it for 7 days before getting dermaplane done? I don’t want to stop using the gel because of antibiotic resistance, so I would like to know what you suggest (postponing it, if the 7 days won’t affect my treatment) etc etc. Thank you 🙂

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      We do ask patients to discontinue use of topical medications 3 days before, and 3 days after the treatment. Therefore, it’s probably best to postpone your visit.

  • Laney says:

    Can you have derma planing if you have broken capilaries on your face , would it cause more broken capilaries ?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Yes, dermaplaning can be done on skin with broken capillaries. In fact, it’s probably one of the better exfoliation methods for people with broken capillaries because it won’t irritate the skin like microdermabrasion or chemical peels. Since dermaplaning is done at the surface of the skin and broken capillaries are deeper there is no concern for causing more damage to the skin.

  • Hayyat says:

    Hi, I have pcos problem and sensitive skin. Will dermaplaning increase the number of regrowing hair? Will my facial hair grow thicker and dark? What do you recommend me? Can I do it myself? Thanks for answering.

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Dermaplaning will not increase the growth of your hair. The goal of dermaplaning is to exfoliate dead skin and remove fine vellus hair for a smoother, glowing complexion. Light hairs will come back light, and hairs that are a bit courser (and darker) will come back just the same.
      My recommendation would be to come in for a consultation so we can make the proper recommendation for you.
      While there are some nice hair removal products on the market that may be suitable for you, proper dermaplaning (done with a sterile, disposable, medical grade blade) should be done by a professional and is not recommended for home use.

  • Ariana says:


    I had dermaplaning done mid Dec 2019 and ever since i have broken out in tonnes of whiteheads and pimples all along my jaw and chin (where the majority of my peach fuzz was). They have improved a bit after adding in some more active skin care but there is still a long way to go. I take excellent care of my skin and eat well and only drink water, yet they’re still not going away.
    After having done some research I have discovered that dermaplaning is not suitable for oily/acne prone skin, which I have, so I am extremely upset that the beauty therapist recommended this treatment for me.

    Will my skin eventually heal and return to normal? Is there a chance that the dermaplaning has sparked fungal acne? Please let me know what I can do to fix my skin!

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      I’m so sorry to hear that the result of your dermaplaning treatment wasn’t what you were hoping for. You are correct that dermaplaning is not recommended for acneic skin (among some other conditions). If you were having a flare up at the time of your treatment, it may not have been the best choice.
      If you haven’t yet reached out to the skin therapist who treated your skin, you may want to… just so they can document your outcome.
      My recommendation would be to see a dermatologist who can guide you (possibly with an appropriate medication) back to your normal, balanced skin. Best of luck.

  • Fatimah says:

    I have hashimotos (under active thyroid) and have hormonal hair growth on my face would u recommend dermaplaning for me?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Yes, dermaplaning can safely be done on someone with hormonal hair growth. Please note that the existing hair will grow back the exact way it is to start with. For example vellus (or the light, soft) hairs will come back as they are and if you have dark, course hairs they will return the same way.

  • Jenna says:

    Hello I am wanted to get dermaplaning and I have a couple questions:
    1. what is considered to be an active acne situation? (like erythema, pustule or open/closed comedo)
    2. I have an oily T zone will this cause my skin to break out after dermaplaning
    3. I have threaded my forehead and I broke out very badly, would dermaplaning result in a similar predicament

    Thank you so much for your time!

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Acne is defined as the formation of comedones (open & closed), papules, pustules, nodules and/or cysts. Dermaplaning is not recommended for active acne. Dermaplaning itself should not cause the skin to break out because it is oily. Sometimes the products that are used prior and post treatment may be the culprits to a breakout. Our aestheticians can help their patients choose those products very carefully.

  • Renata says:

    Hi can i use high frequency tool straight away after dermaplaning?

  • Alex says:

    Hello, so the problem my hair is it is a little bit dark, wouldn’t say very coarse or thick but it is noticeable. I’ve had it removed before- waxed, in fact I removed it myself and I really want to know if the hair is going to grow back the same way or is it gonna feel thicker, is it going to look like a stubble is it gonna grow back very fast etc?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Your hair will grow back the same way and with the same timing as it normally does. If your hair is dark and thick it will come back dark and thick. Typically our hair grows on a 28 day cycle so that won’t change either. The only difference will be that when the hair grows past that outer layer of skin, it may feel blunt or prickly but as soon as it lays down on the skin, it’s soft.
      Have you ever thought about laser hair removal? That might be a nice fit for you.

  • Dee says:

    Is it recommended for someone who has facial warts?

  • Adriana says:

    How long after a dermaplaning treatment can I have a chemical peel?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Chemical peels can actually be combined with dermaplaning. The dermaplaning would be done first, and then the peel to follow during the same treatment. So, you don’t actually have to wait to do a ‘peel’, unless you are interested in a more intense one (like a Vitalize Peel), in which case we recommend to wait a week. Here at SkinCare Physicians, our DermaDeluxe treatment is the dermaplaning/peel combo.

  • Suzi says:

    I’ve been in anti coagulants for a year which finished recently. I take one aspirin a day for life, so I wondered if dermaplaning would be ok now ?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Thank you for your interest and question. Aspirin use is not a contraindication for dermaplaning so you should fine to have the treatment.

  • Carol says:

    I have a history of cold sores . I wanted to try dermaplaning.. but I’m not sure if my skin can take it . Is that an option for me , or would something else be safer ? I’m 70 and would like to refresh and reduce the fine lines on my face .. Any suggestions ? I’ve tried all the OTC miracle products !

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Dermaplaning should be a safe, refreshing and effective option for you provided you don’t have an active breakout of cold sores.
      If you do have a breakout at the time of the treatment, you need to be on Valtrex, and we would need to avoid the area.

  • Julia says:

    If I’m currently using adapalene gel on my face can I still get dermaplaning done?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Adapalene is a retinoid and we ask our patients to discontinue the use of prescription retinol a week prior to having a dermaplaning treatment. Therefore, it is safe to say yes that you can get a dermaplaning as long as you stop using Adapalene 7 days prior to your treatment.

  • Stacey says:

    Is dermaplaning ok for my 14 year old daughter?

  • Rose says:

    How long after laser on my face would i have to leave it to have dermaplaning?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Generally it is safe to do dermaplaning two weeks after a laser procedure. But depending on the laser, the doctor may want more time in between the two treatments. It’s always best to check with your physician first.

  • Mandy says:

    Hi I’m just going through chemotherapy for breast cancer, is it safe to have dermaplaning?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      While chemotherapy isn’t on our list of contraindications for dermaplaning, it is best to check first with your oncologist/chemo doctor.
      The fact that your skin could get nicked during dermaplaning could pose a problem. Indeed, with the immunosuppression from the chemo, you may be at a greater risk for infection. But, if your oncologist gives you the go-ahead, I’m sure you’ll find that dermaplaning is a great pick-me-up treatment!

  • AY says:

    On my upper lip and the center area underneath my lips have tons of tiny little white heads coming out after the dermaplaning and I’m really freaked out. What are them? Are they cold sores? They are also itchy.

    How long will those white things disappear on my face and what should I do to improve it?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      This is not a common response to a dermaplaning treatment. To get a comprehensive answer to your question, I recommend that you consult with the person who performed the treatment for you.

  • Jennifer says:

    I am 18 and am really interested in dermaplaning. About 2 weeks ago I had many acne flare ups and pimples, but after recently going on antibiotics I have no pimples anymore but only tons of scars and uneven skin tone. I have a lot of dry patches. I am still taking antibiotics. I don’t know if I would qualify my skin as acne prone or not. Do you think this procedure would be a good idea to help my skin?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      While dermaplaning can help improve the appearance of acne scars, it is not advised for those with active acne and/or frequent breakouts.
      If your skin has been free of breakouts for a good amount of time (a few months) and you’re just experiencing some dry patches and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (red spots) then it would be an appropriate treatment for you. You may want to pair it up with a peel (our DermaDeluxe treatment) for optimal results. But if you are still having eruptions I would advise you to see your dermatologist for some other options.

  • Hazel says:

    I have fine lines and dark circles, can I do Dermaplaning? Which is more effective? Dermaplaning or microneedling?

    • Dr. Tom Rohrer says:

      While both dermaplaning and microneedling improve the fine texture of the skin, neither will help with dark circles or real wrinkles under the eye. These issues are much more effectively addressed with other procedures. The dark circles are often dramatically improved with fillers. A small amount of filler substance in these areas lift them up and change the way light bounces of the area and can make it look like you have had the best night of sleep ever. The lines around and under the eye respond very well to botulinum toxins and or laser resurfacing procedures. The botulinum toxins can smooth these lines out for a period of several months and generally have no down time while the lasers can improve the lines long term but have some down time associated with the procedure. If you are in the Boston area, it may be best to come in and have us take a look at you so we can better advise you on what might work best for you. Feel free to call us at 617-731-1600 to book a consultation.

  • Hazel says:

    I am always applying retin a (tretinoin) at night. Can I go for dermal planning treatment in this case? Can we do Dermaplaning on the eye area?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Prior to a dermaplaning treatment we ask our patients to discontinue Retin-A use for about a week.
      Regarding your second question, yes we do treat the eye area.

  • Dawn says:

    My son just turned 13 and has developed some facial hair mostly above the lip. I’m not sure if this hair is considered vellus or not? Is it safe to have this hair dermaplaned instead of him shaving? What is the minimum age for this treatment? Thank you.

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Thank you for your question. So those hairs on your son’s upper lip are the start of terminal, not vellus hairs so it’s probably best for him to shave them. There is no set minimum age for dermaplaning, but we would of course use our discretion when treating a patient.

  • Radha Singh says:

    Can I have Dermaplaning when I have skin tags.

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      The answer to your question would depend on where the skin tags are located and how many you have.
      Typically during a Dermaplaning treatment we will avoid moles and tags on the face and continue to treat the rest of the skin. So, you should be able to have the treatment, except on those tag areas (or area if it’s just one). It might be best however to come in for a Medical Cleansing if you are new to the office, so that we can take a look at your skin and decide if Dermaplaning is the right treatment for you.
      If you are interested in having the tags removed, Dermaplaning is not the proper method. In that case, I would recommended seeing one of our dermatologists to have the tag(s) frozen off with liquid nitrogen or cauterized.

  • Sarah says:

    I am currently on roaccutane – also known as accutane – for mild acne which is no longer active and I am nearing the end of my treatment. Can I have dermaplaning done while still on the medication or will I have to wait until I’ve finished it?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Happy New Year and thank you for your question.
      We would not do dermaplaning on skin that is being treated with Accutane.
      While every person’s skin is different, we recommend waiting 6 months to a year after being on accutane to perform dermaplaning (as well as peels).
      If done too soon you would run the risk of taking off the fragile, delicate skin and it would look like a rug burn.

  • Elisha says:

    Hello, i was just wondering if I could qualify to have this treatment.
    I have psoriasis on my face, it’s not bad really but it can sometimes flare up.
    Should I stay away from this treatment or should I wait for my psoriasis to settle before going through with it?

    • Dr. Jeff Sobell says:

      Dermaplaning is a very gentle procedure, and would likely be fine in a patient with a history of facial psoriasis. However, I suggest avoiding the procedure during a facial psoriasis flare.

  • Elizabeth says:

    Hi, my 73 year old mum would like to get a dermaplaning treatment. Are there any issues with older skin types getting it done? Thanks

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      It is best for your mother to come in for a visit to see if she is the proper candidate for Dermaplaning. During her visit we can get a better look at her skin and have a better understanding of her skincare goals. In case Dermaplaning isn’t the proper treatment for her, we may provide her with other options.

      That being said, the following information may help you decide if you would even like to proceed with a visit.
      The only contraindications for Dermaplaning are:
      -Current inflamed acne lesions;
      -Skin cancer;
      -Active cold sores;
      -Uncontrolled diabetes;
      -Open skin lesions;
      -Use of Accutane currently or in the past six months; and/or
      -The use of prescription retinol within a week of treatment.

      In addition to these contraindications, please be aware that we do hold the skin very taut during the treatment to ensure a smooth exfoliation of the hair and skin. Therefore, if your mom is deeply wrinkled and we cannot get a smooth surface, it is probably not the proper treatment for her. If the surface of the skin is uneven or bumpy, the blade would cause nicks on her skin, which is not the goal. In that case, another type of treatment may be more appropriate for her.
      But, if your mother’s skin is not deeply wrinkled, we would love for her to visit our practice.

  • Aida colon says:

    Will a facial peel take away marks that were left when I had pimples as a teenager some time ago

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Your question is very common, but hard to answer without seeing your acne scars. There are quite a few variables and a visual analysis of your skin by one of our skilled dermatologists would be recommended.
      Peels may be an option for you, but the physicians would be the ones to determine that.
      Feel free to call our office at 617.731.1600 to book a consultation with one of our providers.

  • Beccy says:

    I have psoriasis, not on my face but wondered if Dermaplanning can create new psoriasis patches on the face?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Great question. I did consult with Dr Sobell, who is our psoriasis specialist here at SkinCare Physicians and he confirmed that it “should not be a problem since it is a surface procedure and not traumatizing to the skin.”
      I hope this answer helps.

  • Chris Robertson says:

    There seems to be mixed thoughts when it comes to someone pregnant and wanting dermaplaning. Some practitioners list it as a contraindication while others do not. Why is this? Are there any concerns or risks if someone is pregnant? Does it matter how far along they are?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Dear Chris
      Thank you for your question and congratulations if the question is for you!
      Dermaplaning is a simple and safe procedure for exfoliating the epidermis and ridding the skin of fine vellus hair (peach fuzz). It is completely safe for pregnant patients as a stand alone treatment.
      I can only speculate as to why other practitioners list this as a contraindication for pregnant women and my thought is that they offer Dermaplaning along with some sort of chemical peel after (which would be a contraindication).
      Here at SkinCare Physicians, we offer DermaLite (dermaplaning as a stand alone treatment) and DermaDeluxe (dermaplaning followed by a peel -which we would not perform on pregnant patients). When a chemical peeling agent is added to a procedure there is a risk that the chemicals will be absorbed into the bloodstream and may be transferred to the fetus so that would be an obvious contraindication.
      One final comment: While having the procedure done, the patient lays on his or her back. So, in terms of how far into the pregnancy Dermaplaning can be done, that is up to the individual as to how comfortable she is in that position.
      I hope this helps.

  • Yalda says:

    Can I use Dermaplaning before at home laser hair removal ? And how long I have to wait after dermaplaning to do my laser treatment ?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Yes, it is safe to have a Dermaplaning treatment before your at home laser hair removal. In fact, Dermaplaning uses a scalpel to remove the outer, dead layer of skin and vellus hair from the face. So when performed before laser hair removal, Dermaplaning allows the laser treatment to penetrate deeper into the skin and can yield better results. Dermaplaning can be done right before the hair laser removal, or later if you prefer.

      I’m not sure if you are aware that our Registered Nurses perform laser hair removal here at SkinCare Physicians. Our lasers are stronger and more effective than home use ones and the treatment is performed by experienced licensed professionals.

  • Nikki says:

    Do dermplaning encourage worse hair growth for polysystic ovaries sufferers?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Hi, the short answer is no. Dermaplaning (done only on the face) works well to soften the skin and remove hair at the surface but does not remove hair follicles, thus it will not stimulate hair growth and will not worsen their condition. Often times people with PCOS have increased facial hair so this does work well for them as it removes the bothersome excess hair without any pain or discomfort. It is important to know that this method is not a permanent solution and cannot be done on active acne.

  • Lisa Bell says:

    I’d love to have dermaplaning but have very dry sometimes dermatitis on my face. Could I still have this done?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Hi, dermaplaning can be done on dry skin and may even help that condition as it exfoliates the outer layers of skin, thus resulting in the skin accepting products to better hydrate it.
      However, for some patients with very sensitive skin, dermaplaning may irritate the epidermis.
      In the case of an active flare-up of dermatitis, we do not recommend dermaplaning.

  • Nykol says:

    I have pretty severe facial and scalp eczema ( on my mouth, chin, eyes, and forehead), and I have always been told exfoltaions like scrubs can aggravate my symptoms. Would this procedure be a better alternative, or will it aggravate the eczema the Same? *note that it is controlled with Ketoconozole shampoo and Desinide ointment*

    • Blog Admin says:

      Dear Nikol, Eczema is a contraindication for dermaplaning. It can make the condition worse.

  • Sam says:

    I have slight psoriasis around my mouth can i still have this done ?

    • Dr. Sobell says:

      Dear Sam,
      Although dermaplaning is very gentle, I would avoid this procedure if you have active psoriasis in the areas of treatment. But if your psoriasis is well controlled (i.e., with topical creams or other forms of treatment), then dermaplaning would be an acceptable procedure.

  • Tracy says:

    I would like to have dermaplaning done because the fuzzy hair on my face grew in pretty thick after I finished chemo. Am I a candidate for dermaplaning, or no because I recently finished chemo?

    • Joyce Pezzulo says:

      Dear Tracy, if the hair grew back thick, coarse or dark we would not recommend dermaplaning. You might be a better candidate for waxing in that case. Dermaplaning is for vellous, fine hair.

  • Mel says:

    I have psoriasis on my elbows and knees, never have had on my face. Is dermaplaning safe to do, or could there be chances of psoriasis starting for disturbing the skin? I know I’ve never been able to have chemical peels, nor laser hair removal for that reason.

    • Dr Sobell says:

      It is true that significant trauma to the skin can potentially induce psoriasis at the site of injury. However, since dermaplaning is a superficial exfoliation limited to the outer most layer of the epidermal skin, it is unlikely to be problematic to facial skin that is unaffected from psoriasis.

  • ND says:

    I am interested in laser treatment only. Do you have to have this done first?

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SkinCare Physicians®

1244 Boylston Street (Route 9)
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467

Learn more about your rights and protections related to the No Surprises Act (HR133).

The dermatologists and other medical professionals at SkinCare Physicians specialize in a wide range of dermatology treatments and services, including laser hair removal, laser skin treatment, hair transplant, eyelid surgery, body contouring, psoriasis, skin cancer, BOTOX® Cosmetic, fillers, and Thermage®. From their offices in Chestnut Hill, they serve Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, Newton and Wellesley.

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

SkinCare Physicians®
1244 Boylston Street (Route 9)
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467

Phone: (617) 731-1600 Fax: (617) 731-1601

Learn more about your rights and protections related to the No Surprises Act (HR133).

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

The dermatologists and other medical professionals at SkinCare Physicians specialize in a wide range of dermatology treatments and services, including laser hair removal, laser skin treatment, hair transplant, eyelid surgery, body contouring, psoriasis, skin cancer, BOTOX® Cosmetic, fillers, and Thermage®. From their offices in Chestnut Hill, they serve Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, Newton and Wellesley.