For the 3rd year, SkinCare Physicians is supporting the American Academy of Dermatology’s effort to create a world free of skin cancer. On Monday May 6, 2013, Melanoma Monday®, we will be hosting a complimentary skin screening event in our office in Chestnut Hill, MA.
Call us at 617-731-1600 TODAY to reserve your free skin check with one of our Board Certified dermatologists – Space is limited.
Since 1995, the Academy has designated the first Monday in May as Melanoma Monday®, which officially kicks off Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month. All SkinCare Physicians staff will wear Orange, the official color of Melanoma Monday, on May 6th, in honor of the AAD’s Spot Skin Cancer program. Do the same, wear orange on Melanoma Monday to help us raise awareness about skin cancer.
Read more information on SkinCare Physicians’ event.
Read more on Melanoma Monday.